Information for SCHISTOSOMA/bionet.organisms.schistosoma USENET newsgroup name: bionet.organisms.schistosoma WWW-address: Mailing list name: SCHISTOSOMA Status: moderated moderation address: Moderator: Christoph Grevelding e-mail address: Discussion Leaders: Christoph Grevelding e-mail: Justus-Liebig-University Giessen Institute for Parasitology Rudolf-Buchheimstr. 2 35392 Giessen Germany Telephone: 49-641-99-38466 (Grevelding) Telefax : 49-641-99-38469 Newsgroup charter: Welcome to SCHISTO, a mailing list created for the purpose of information exchange between Schistosoma researchers. Scientists are welcomed to participate in this worldwide forum for any kind of information exchange as proposals, announcements, offers, the discussion of various problems and requests for any biological material or information concerning schistosomes. We intend to focus the common interests of all scientists working in this area towards a faster communication. The newsgroup will provide: - a source of quick help on methodological problems, practical advices and experiences. - a forum for the discussion of ideas, problems and recent developments in Schistosoma research. - news from the Schistosoma Genome Network - news concerning the Schisto-Agenda - a means for sharing strains, molecular reagents, etc. - a further opportunity for collaborative efforts between labs. - a bulletin board for any announcements concerning meetings, congresses or job offers, etc. in this field. Topics should cover : - Biochemistry - Culturing - Cell Biology - Developmental Biology - Epidemiology - Evolution - Genetics - Host-Parasite-Interaction - Immunology - Medicine - Miscellaneous - Molecular Biology - Physiology - Taxonomy Moderation Policy: Mass-posted commercial messages, chain letters, and similar postings not germane to schistosomes will be deleted without comment. Inappropriate messages posted in good faith will be returned to the sender. Messages not strictly within the charter but likely to be of interest to many subscribers will be accepted.