Testing one two three four

Bradley K. Sherman bks at S27W007.PSWFS.GOV
Thu Nov 4 14:00:55 EST 1993

Apologies once again for the noise.

Biosci claims to have fixed the problem and this
message should appear in the USENET/BIOSCI
conference bionet.software.acedb.  Apparently the
gateway was working for the BIOSCI computers but
not for anyone else!

It was mailed to mailing-list acedb at net.bio.net
11AM PST, 4 November 1993.

For interested parties, the gateway from the 
conference to the mailing list seems robust.


  A difference of taste in jokes is a great
  strain on the affections.  --George Eliot

Bradley K. Sherman               P.O. Box 245                    
Computer Scientist               Berkeley, CA, 94701
Dendrome Project                 510-559-6437 FAX: 510-559-6440  
Institute of Forest Genetics     Internet: bks at s27w007.pswfs.gov

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