ACEDB vs. Linux

cherry at Frodo.MGH.Harvard.EDU cherry at Frodo.MGH.Harvard.EDU
Fri Nov 12 11:43:59 EST 1993

>In article <9311112231.AA04228 at greengenes.cit.cornell.edu>, matthews at GREENGENES.CIT.CORNELL.EDU ("Dave Matthews") writes:
>>Well, I fixed my problem.  Don't know if it's related to yours or to the 
>>Solaris problem, but it looks like the kind of thing that might be.

I recently received messages from Jean and Richard indicating that
they have fixed the Solaris version of xace. I haven't tried it
myself. We downgraded our SPARCClassic to SunOS 4.1.3C so that we are
only running one OS on our SPARCs. This fixed version has not been
placed on ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, I haven't looked at the other ftp
archives. A message on ncbi.nlm.nih.gov says that if you want more
information on the fixed Solaris version of ACEDB contact Jean
(mieg at kaa.cnrs-mop.fr).


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