Release 1.0 of an image analysis package for fingerprint gels

unknown at dl.ac.uk unknown at dl.ac.uk
Fri Jan 14 07:29:58 EST 1994

Release 1.0 of Image, an image analysis package for fingerprint gels

We have written an integrated program for image analysis of
physical mapping fingerprint gels for use at the Sanger Centre.
This runs on Unix workstations using X11 for display.  It
incorporates the VAX film scanning software of Sulston et
al. (CABIOS 5, 101-106, 1989) and uses the ACEDB graphics

It analyses scanned fingerprint gels, finding lanes, extracting
bands from lanes, and correcting for gel distortion by aligning
known standard marker lanes.  At each stage there are hand
editing tools for correcting errors.  The output format can be
read by the Contig9 fingerprint assembly routines being
integrated into ACEDB.

The package is available by anonymous ftp from rona.sanger.ac.uk
(, in directory /pub/image.

Read the files README in /pub/image and TUTORIAL in the untarred
archive for further information.

Friedemann Wobus (fw at sanger.ac.uk)
Richard Durbin (rd at sanger.ac.uk)

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