Acedb 94 worshop

Danielle et Jean Thierry-Mieg mieg at kaa.cnrs-mop.fr
Thu Jan 20 10:18:35 EST 1994

acedb '94


The acedb '94 workshop will be held july 2 to 16, in Saint Matthieu
de Treviers, a small village, 20 km north of Montpellier, at the
foot of the Pic Saint Loup.


We have booked a place meant for family vacations which includes
ample space, a nice conference room and ten studios meant for 5
people (bathroom, shower, kitchenette, terrace, all nice and clean)
that we plan to share among 3 to 4 participants.  Meals will be
taken at a local restaurant.

The place is ideal for work and informal discussions and will be
well equiped with computers. The situation is nice for hiking and
allows volley-ball, ping-pong, tennis and petanque.

We can provide lists of possible hotels for those who would prefer
more privacy or find ways of accomodating families if you let us
know very soon (school ends early july in France).

Cost for 2 weeks is 1000 FF (about 200 US dollars) for housing on
site plus 2500 FF for full meals. We may get enough funding to
reduce this cost, but cannot pay for travel.


Formal presentations and general discussions will take place in the
mornings and the evenings, alternating network aspects, data handling,
displays and genome data analaysis.

The afternoons will be dedicated to data manipulation, programming
and writing documentation. The idea is to actually implement during
the meeting many of the ideas that will come up, to fuse and
coallesce the now numerous acedb-based applications into a working
modular package, and to import and consolidate large sets of
additional data.

Towards this goal, we will broadcast the following announcement 

ACEDB'94 Genome Database Workshop.

Montpellier, July 2-16, 1994

This meeting will cover the use and development of the 
ACEDB database manager central to several major genome projects,
including C.elegans, A.thaliana, human, and a number of
other plant and animal species. 

We wish to encourage people with large sets of data on other
organisms to attend this workshop. They will be helped to build,
during the meeting, a friendly graphic presentation of their own
data, in return for discussing their own experience.



This meeting will be much longer than the 2 previous acedb workshops
(Cambridge 92 and Boston 93), in the hope of initiating new
collaborations and allowing concrete results. This format is usual in
physics summer schools and often very productive.

The workshop may be coupled to a 2 days presentation of acedb, open
to the general audience, and yet to be organised.

We anticipate at least the participation of people from: Berkeley,
Boston, Cambridge, Heidelberg and Montpellier, including Richard
Durbin (LMB and Sanger Centre, Cambridge), John McCarthy (LBL,
Berkeley), Otto Ritter (DKFZ, Heidelberg), Danielle and Jean
Thierry-Mieg (CNRS, Montpellier).

Please confirm your participation and forward this announcement to
your colleagues.

Danielle and Jean Thierry-Mieg 
BP 5051,
34033  Montpellier, France.

email mieg at kaa.cnrs-mop.fr
 (if this address fails, fall back on mieg at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)

Tel: (33) 67 61 33 24
Fax: (33) 67 52 15 59


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