Proposed Extensions for ACEDB Query Builder

Bradley K. Sherman bks at s27w007.pswfs.gov
Thu Mar 24 12:40:47 EST 1994

Okay.  I was ignorant.  Here's a summary:

>                          ...  There is a file called doc.tar.Z
>which exists on all four servers:
> lirmm.lirmm.fr ( in pub/acedb/ace2
> cele.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk ( in pub/acedb/ace2
> ncbi.nlm.nih.gov ( in repository/acedb/ace2
> bioinformatics.weizmann.ac.il ( in pub/databases/acedb/ace2

In this there are 4 PostScript files:
which are very helpful.  I was unable to print these --at first--
as they are formatted for A4 paper and my HP LaserJet 4M printer
demanded that I put some in.  So I told it that I had put some
in (a lie) and it seems to be printing them okay.

I will add a note about this to the FAQ.  (If anyone wants to
convert the .tex files to 8.5" x 11" format PostScript and
make these available via anonymous ftp, I'll add a pointer.)


Bradley K. Sherman               P.O. Box 245                    
Computer Scientist               Berkeley, CA, 94701
Dendrome Project                 510-559-6437 FAX: 510-559-6440  
Institute of Forest Genetics     Internet: bks at s27w007.pswfs.gov

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