Proposed Extensions for ACEDB Query Builder

John L. McCarthy jlmccarthy at lbl.gov
Thu Mar 24 11:08:43 EST 1994

In article <2mqk0e$cfj at overload.lbl.gov>, bks at s27w007.pswfs.gov (Bradley K.
Sherman) wrote that he is unable to print syntax.ps or syntax.tex and asked

"Is there any documentation for the query builder?"

As Sam Cartinhour has written in another message, the National Agricultural
Library will very shortly have an experimental WWW server for ACEDB
documentation, including the Syntax document. 

Documentation for the Query Builder is included as part of ACEDB's Help.
If you are in the Query Builder, simply click on the "Help" button.
This documentation is included as part of the ascii help.wrm file.

This on-line help will be revised when the proposed Query Builder
extensions are implemented.

|  John L. McCarthy.               . | Internet:..JLMcCarthy at lbl.gov  |
|  Computer Science R&D  MS 50B-3238 | Bitnet: ...JLMCCARTHY at LBL      |
|  Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory     .| telephone: (510) 486-5307      |
|  1 Cyclotron Road                . |                                |
|  BERKELEY, CA 94720, U.S.A.      . | FAX:       (510) 486-4004      |

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