In article <jlmccarthy-220394113110 at> jlmccarthy at (John L. McCarthy) writes:
>Proposed Extensions for ACEDB Query Builder
So as not to appear ignorant, I thought that I would find the latest
documentation on using the query language & the query builder. After
about an hour I located a tar file in france that contains some
PostScript files that expect A4 paper and some .tex files. I tried
using the LaTex and dvips that I have access to, but the programs
complained loudly and I gave up.
So, I will run the risk of appearing ignorant:
Where is the latest documentation on using the Query Language?
Where is the latest documentation on using the Query Builder?
Are there lots of nice examples?
How do I print them here in the states?
p.s. Will add this to FAQ.
Bradley K. Sherman P.O. Box 245
Computer Scientist Berkeley, CA, 94701
Dendrome Project 510-559-6437 FAX: 510-559-6440
Institute of Forest Genetics Internet: bks at