ACEDB documentation

Sam Cartinhour scartinh at VECTOR.NALUSDA.GOV
Wed Mar 23 08:46:05 EST 1994


Brad Sherman recently asked

>  Where is the latest documentation on using the Query Language?
>  Where is the latest documentation on using the Query Builder?
>  Are there lots of nice examples?
>  How do I print them here in the states?

I am working on an ACEDB documentation server for www and am hoping it
may help with these questions. It is intended to be a repository for
the most recent ace documentation available. I would like to present
ace information of all sorts, contributed by developers and curators,
and solicit new as well as existing documentation. Topics will range
from user manuals, manuals on how to configure acedb, code documentation
for developers, descriptions of specific features, etc etc.

I will of course need help!!

I am not quite ready to open the server up for public inspection; it
still needs some grooming. I think in a week or so perhaps....


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