Proposed Extensions for ACEDB Query Builder

Bradley K. Sherman bks at s27w007.pswfs.gov
Thu Mar 24 13:13:57 EST 1994

In article <jlmccarthy-240394080544 at slavsing.lbl.gov> jlmccarthy at lbl.gov (John L. McCarthy) writes:
>As Sam Cartinhour has written in another message, the National Agricultural
>Library will very shortly have an experimental WWW server for ACEDB
>documentation, including the Syntax document. 

Excellent!  By the way, there is an HTML version of the
<a href="http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/plant/acedbfaq.html"> ACEDB-FAQ </a>


Bradley K. Sherman               P.O. Box 245                    
Computer Scientist               Berkeley, CA, 94701
Dendrome Project                 510-559-6437 FAX: 510-559-6440  
Institute of Forest Genetics     Internet: bks at s27w007.pswfs.gov

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