
John L. McCarthy jlmccarthy at lbl.gov
Thu Mar 31 19:10:54 EST 1994

In article <2ne209$er0 at mserv1.dl.ac.uk>, mieg at kaa.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr
(Danielle et Jean Thierry-Mieg) wrote:

> I hope it is useful
> To insure better compatibility with OPM and to the request of Dertlef
> i introduced a new basic numeric type in acedb
> _DateType, to be used like _Int and _Float in models
> the whole code nows a bout it.
> It is internally a time_t and arithmetics can be
> preformed on it in particular the query can find the max min average
> off a set of dates, I am not sure if average works well by the way on 
> dates.
> The input format is the "%c: unix format described in man ctime
> sois a string of char but it is internally converted to a time_t number
> This is part of the soon to be released ace.3-1

I think this will be very useful.

As I read man ctime, it says that %c is date and time as %x %X, where 
%x  is date, using locale's date format; and
%X  is time, using locale's time format

e.g, "Thu, 31 Mar 94 02:05:57 PST"

If the format's are locale-dependent, could this cause problems if we
are passing data among different locations in .ace files, and one location
uses different date and time formats from another?  If so, perhaps the
default should be a locale-independent representation.
|  John L. McCarthy.               . | Internet:..JLMcCarthy at lbl.gov  |
|  Computer Science R&D  MS 50B-3238 | Bitnet: ...JLMCCARTHY at LBL      |
|  Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory     .| telephone: (510) 486-5307      |
|  1 Cyclotron Road                . |                                |
|  BERKELEY, CA 94720, U.S.A.      . | FAX:       (510) 486-4004      |

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