"next" for keyset

Dave Matthews matthews at GREENGENES.CIT.CORNELL.EDU
Fri May 20 09:37:01 EST 1994

> The arrow keys work within a keyset, with the down key stepping
> correctly through the whole keyset.  Isn't this what you want?
> Richard

Yes exactly, I just didn't know about it.  

... Hmm, for some reason it doesn't seem to work for me with MacX, and my
user reports it doesn't work with eXceed/W on Windows either.  But I imagine
you can't address all the deficiencies of every X server.

... Oh I see, it works in MacX if you first click on the keyset window to
activate it, then hit the arrow key.  I guess to be convenient it requires a
window manager that has a point-to-focus mode instead of click-to-focus.

- Dave

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