BioSCAN Update

Raj Kumar Singh singh at CS.UNC.EDU
Wed May 4 20:30:17 EST 1994

	   BBBBBB         OOOOO    SSSSSS   CCCCCC    AAA    N     N    
	   B     B    @  O     O  S        C         A   A   NN    N    
	   B     B    i  O     O  S        C        A     A  N N   N    
	   BBBBBBB   ii  O     O   SSSSS   C        AAAAAAA  N  N  N    
	   B     B   ii  O     O        S  C        A     A  N   N N    
	   B     B   ii  O     O        S  C        A     A  N    NN    
	   BBBBBB   iii   OOOOO   SSSSSS    CCCCCC  A     A  N     N    

			* U P D A T E -- 5/4/94   *

	o The BioSCAN e-mail server databases have been updated.  The current
	  versions are: GenBank Release 81.0, SWISS-PROT Release 28, and
	  Protein Information Resource (PIR) Release 38.

	o BioSCAN is a computational tool for biosequence similarity analysis.
	  The e-mail server can be accessed by sending a specially formated 
	  message to "bioscan at cs.unc.edu".  Send "help" on a line by itself 
	  in the body of the message to receive further instructions.  Please 
	  send your questions and comments to "bioscan-info at cs.unc.edu".

	o Searches: bioscan at cs.unc.edu, User support: bioscan-info at cs.unc.edu

	o This research was supported in part by NSF under grant MIP-9024585.
	Raj K. Singh		singh at cs.unc.edu	 +1 (919) 962-1744

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