acedb demos at CSH

Danielle et Jean Thierry-Mieg mieg at kaa.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr
Mon May 16 11:58:46 EST 1994

I would like to thank everybody for the acedb demos that we were 
able to set up at CSH, and in particular Eric DeMund for providing
kodak overheads in the nick of time.

I think that the audience on the whole really appriciated the 
acedb approach, because of the mounting quality of the work,
the data and the documentation, all teh results of our
better coordination over the last year.

I did bet to Marr that, with the premisse that acedb and genome topographer
are more or less equivalent today, acedb in for year will be 10 fold better,
not because any one of us is more clever than he is, but because the
open sofware approch that we have adopted will, in my opinion, continue to
feed a snowball effect that his proprietary database will not be able to match.

The bet is a caisse of Champagne against Hallibut and lobster.

If both system survive, we will just have a hell of a diner all together.

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