"Next" function for browsing a keyset?

Mike Cherry cherry at GENOME.STANFORD.EDU
Thu May 19 14:09:34 EST 1994

> By which I think he means: given a keyset of tree objects, one of which is
> currently displayed in the front window, it would be nice if there was an
> easy way to call up the next (or previous) object for display in the same
> window.  
> This would be especially useful on small screens.  I don't know what kind of
> control should be used to invoke this.  A button I guess.  Special key
> combinations are out of the question?  Hmm, I guess the button would have to
> be in the Keyset window rather than the tree window, if I assume correctly
> that a tree window doesn't even know whether it came from a keyset or not.
> This isn't so great.

On the Unix version of ACEDB you can simply use the keyboard arrow
keys to move through the keyset list. You click twice on an item in
the keyset, then click back in the keyset (or on some window managers
just move the mouse over the keyset window) then use the up and down
arrows to move through the list. Works for all classes that I have


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