Using ACeDb as a database management tool

Mike Mitchell mike at BISON.LIF.ICNET.UK
Mon May 23 04:20:53 EST 1994

I would greatly appreciate any information or pointers to information
about using the ACeDb software to manage data. If this is a FAQ matter,
I apologise, and would appreciate being pointed to the FAQ.

Thanx in advance for your help.

*Michael Mitchell               *  "All I know about babies is that you  *
*User Support                   *   are not supposed to put them into    *
*Molecular Biology Software     *   washing machines. Makes the colours  *
*Imperial Cancer Research Fund  *   run, presumably."                    *
*+44 (0)71 269 3115             *  Tom Holt - Here Comes The Sun - 1994  *

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