C.Elegans CHRIII

Floeckner Hannes floeckn at wst.edvz.sbg.ac.at
Mon May 30 10:33:14 EST 1994

Hello Netters!

In NATURE Vol368 March 1994 I read an article about the CHRII sequence
of C.elegans. There's also written that the sequences are submitted to EMBL 
and ACEDB database. I don't want to install the whole databases on my 
computer, since I only have very less space left, but I am very interested
to get all sequences (of all 483 putative genes) in form of amino acid

Any possibility to get only these sequences?

Thank you
Floeckner Hannes                        e-mail: floeckn at dwst11.edvz.sbg.ac.at
Inst.f. Chemie und Biochemie                    hannes at agnes.came.sbg.ac.at
Universitaet Salzburg
Jakob-Haringerstr. 1
A-5020 Salzburg

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