The distribution acedb 3.0 (bin.sparc.3_0.tar.Z on seems to
have some of the tag numbers for Map-related tags compiled-in and unchangeable.
Symptom: clicking on a Locus name or a Map name produces only the tree window
for the Map instead of the GMAP graphic, unless the tag numbers in tags.wrm
Contains = 554, Map = 657, Position = 707.
Also in classes.wrm, class Map must be numbered 110.
I.e. these values must be the same as used in the Human Chromosome 21
wspec/tags.wrm included as part of that distribution.
Also, to use Chrom_Band's, the tag numbers for Chrom_Band, Ends, Left, Right,
Dark, Colour, etc. should be adjusted to match the Human 21 values.
(Note, the symptoms are like those described by Maulin Shah in his recent
message, and I'll bet this is the reason for his problem too.):
- Dave Matthews
::::::::::::::To: acedb at
>From: mps2 at (Maulin Piyush Shah)
Subject: Database bug or my bug?
Date: 19 May 1994 15:34:17 GMT
Hey y'all, its me again. I've overcome yesterdays errors and now I fully read in
th .ace without trouble. When I click on bolds they go where they are supposed to
in all but one case. In my ?Map I have a Locus ?Locus. So, when I click on the
Locus listed I should expect to see the information from the ?Locus./ The problem
is that instead I see the same screen pop up again (that is, the ?Map window).
Its all rather circular instead of linear, the wway it should be. Any ideas, or
is it just that sometimes there is a quirk in the program? Thanks a lot.