aceclient vs. xace and WWW

Doug Bigwood dbigwood
Fri Dec 1 09:31:20 EST 1995


The purpose of the aceserver/client is simple to allow a remote
user access to a database w/o having to have a complete copy of
the data locally.  This is useful if a database changes frequently
and the user doesn't want the bother of keeping a local copy up-to-
date.  Also, space for a database might be a problem.  As you suggest
this would be an alternate to tace or WWW.

Also, we use the aceserver as a back end to our WWW interface (using
the perl aceclient) - see the documentation on http://probe.nalusda.gov .

Doug Bigwood

Couchman at BBSRC.AC.UK (Matt) wrote:
>Is there a quick summary available about the purpose of aceclient and
>aceserver? I have a lot of technical details about how to set them up.
>However I'm still unclear as to whether they are intended as an 
>alternative to a local copy of xace and access to WWW. If not what extra
>features do they offer?
>Thanks for any help,

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