FATAL ERROR: Duplicate tag Location....

Eric E. Snyder eesnyder at sequana.com
Mon Dec 18 16:21:27 EST 1995

Ace Folks,

I am having a persistent problem with ACEDB.  Often after adding new data
to the database via .ace files, saving it and re-starting, I will find that
when I try to open sequence objects, I will get the following error:

FATAL ERROR: Duplicate tag Location in model Sequence

..with the obvious result of ACEDB crashing.  If I make a dump file, I can
always recover the data and the problem does not recur until I load more data.
Presumably, there is some sort of error or inconsistency in my .ace files
but it is not obvious where the problem might lie.  Any suggestions on where
to look or how to debug this problem would be greatly appreciated.  


Eric E. Snyder, PhD 
Sequana Therapeutics, Inc.
11099 North Torrey Pines Road, Suite 160
La Jolla, CA 92037
(619) 452-6550 ex 279; (619) 452-6653 fax; eesnyder at sequana.com

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