ACEDB worm data updates 4-12 and 4-13

Richard Durbin rd at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
Tue Dec 19 01:27:07 EST 1995

This is a broadcast message to the ACEDB mailing list and related
newsgroups.  If you are on the explicit mailing list and do not want
to be, please send email to rd at sanger.ac.uk.

ACEDB data updates 4-12 and 4-13 for C. elegans

Two new updates are available.  These should be used in conjunction
with version 4_1 of the ACEDB program.  The total database size after
adding updates 4-1 to 4-13 is approximately 240 Mbytes.

The additions since 4-11 are:
  - more genomic sequence data (there are now 918 cosmids totalling
      28,081,786 bases).
  - a physical map update (December 1)
  - worm sequences from EMBL release 44 not related to the genome
  - new data submitted by email to the CGC in Cambridge or direct to 
	Sylvia has been entered
  - a number of errors and problems have been fixed

Instructions for obtaining updates/the whole thing

All the files are available in the following public access accounts
(anonymous ftp sites) accessible over internet:

  ncbi.nlm.nih.gov ( in the USA, in repository/acedb
  ftp.sanger.ac.uk in England, in pub/acedb
  lirmm.lirmm.fr ( in France, in directory genome/acedb

In each case, log in as user "anonymous" and give a user identifier
as password.  Remember to transfer the files in BINARY mode by
typing the word "binary" at the start of your ftp session.  Many
thanks to NCBI for letting us share in their excellent resource.


ftp ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
login: anonymous
password: your user id or email address
cd repository/acedb             # change to relevant directoy
binary				# IMPORTANT
dir				# display files in this directory
cd ace4				# change to ace4 directory
get bin.sunos.4_1.tar.Z		# get program
cd ../celegans			# change to worm data directory
mget update*			# get all update files


Get any update.4-n.tar.Z that you do not have already and read the
file NOTES before proceeding further.

Always get a copy of the INSTALL script.  Move it and the .tar.Z files
into the home directory in which you are installing ACEDB.  Type
"source INSTALL".  Start acedb (normally by typing "acedb"), click
"Yes" to accept initialising the database if starting from scratch,
then choose "Add Update File" from the menu (right button), and press
"All updates" with the left mouse button.

If you have a problem making the program work, look at the section
on problems in NOTES, and if that fails to help, let us know.


Comments about the data should be sent to the data curator, Sylvia
Martinelli (sylvia at sanger.ac.uk).

Comments about the program, or the installation procedure, should be
sent to one of us:

Richard Durbin (rd at sanger.ac.uk)
Jean Thierry-Mieg (mieg at kaa.cnrs-mop.fr)

-------------------- end of message --------------------

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