feature request: Show All Values

Dave Matthews matthews at GREENGENES.CIT.CORNELL.EDU
Wed Feb 1 13:52:03 EST 1995

When formulating a query, it would sometimes be nice to see all the values
of a field that exist in the database.  Can this be done?

E.g. in the Query Builder there might be an option in the dropdown menu
for the third or fourth field to "Show all values".

This would be similar to the wonderful "follow" command, as in "find
Germplasm; follow Allele".  But it would also allow following to values of
type ?Text and boolean #types, as in "follow Characteristic" or "follow

This would be especially useful for the ?Text's, as there doesn't seem to
be any other easy way to get examples of very many possible values, much
less all the existing values.  (Currently I build a tablemaker table, then
pass it through some fancy unixations involving sort | uniq.)

- Dave

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