contracted tree display

rd at sanger.ac.uk rd at sanger.ac.uk
Wed May 3 04:26:38 EST 1995

Matt Couchman asks about the rules for the contraction:

        Tag_heading ----> n (where n is the no. of items)

in the tree display.  

Currently the rule is that thing are contracted by default if there
are more than 5 items in the column to the right, or more than 3 items
if the top item would be displayed using a -T derived name, rather
than it's default name (e.g. the Title of a paper).

This rule is not under user control.  It probably should be in some
fashion.  I am interested in collecting ideas about the most useful
ways to do this, always rememberng that we would like to avoid a lot
of extra complexity for both user and programmer, and that there is no
implied promise that I will implement any of these ideas!


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