Announcement: TextConvert 1.2

Joachim Baumann Baumann at informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
Fri May 12 04:28:32 EST 1995

Hi all,
just a month since the announcement of the last version of
TextConvert. There has to be something awfully wrong, if someone needs only
30 days to produce a new version. Just like Microsoft (oops, no pun

But wait, this isn't a bugfix. I enhanced the functionality of
TextConvert. Now it is possible to define subroutines in your description
file and even to include other description files. This makes the creation of
libraries possible and easy.

And I added a ASCII version and a HTML version of the documentation to the

Now follows the announcement:

Announcing TextConvert

TextConvert is a tool to ease the conversion of data in flat file libraries
to ACEDB format.
It takes as input a description file in a format that resembles the format
of AWK-scripts, reads a data stream and produces another data stream
according to patterns and attached code, so called actions, in a given
description file. The patterns can be formed according to Perl's regular
expressions, and the actions are formulated as Perl source code enriched
with additional commands to ease the conversion of text-based data. The
additional commands support the ACEDB format. It is even possible to add
one's own subroutines to the description file and to include other
description files, thus effectively maintaining libraries of common
functionality (subroutines and/or Action/Pattern pairs).
In fact, the program is written in Perl, and builds a program from the
description file. This program is then evaluated. The additional commands
support input, output, an object stack and decoding of 2-Bit coded data.
Included are 25 pages of documentation including a tutorial, and in case this
doesn't help, the author is reachable via EMail :-)
The documentation is available in Framemaker-, Postscript-, HTML- and plain
text format.

The address is:

	joachim.baumann at informatik.uni-stuttgart.de

Program and documentation can be ftp'ed from


in the directory

under the names

	textconvert-1.2.tar.gz          (This is the whole archive)
	TextConvert.1.2.ascii.gz        (This is the plain text documentation)
    TextConvert.1.2.html            (This is the HTML version of the docs)
    TextConvert.1.2.html.gz         (The gzipped HTML documentation)

Cheers, Joachim

Snail:   Joachim Baumann,               |
         Universitaet Stuttgart, IPVR,  | Phone:   (+49 | 0 ) 711/7816-218
         Breitwiesenstr. 20-22,         | Fax:     (+49 | 0 ) 711/7816-424
         70565 Stuttgart, Germany       |
EMail:   joachim.baumann at informatik.uni-stuttgart.de(.sol_3.milky-way.universe)
PGP:     finger baumann at orgel.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de

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