security of the ace server

Danielle et Jean Thierry-Mieg mieg at kaa.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr
Fri Oct 6 09:33:56 EST 1995

I don t know about the perl client but the security is on the server side and
requires the client to have write/read access on your disk
so that your disk is nsf mounted
unless the database is declared open explicitelly in wspec/server.wrm

so, as far as i see it, only authorised clients local to your machine
running locally will ever be able to talk to the server

the wspec/server.wrm file should belong to acedb user and be 600
so nobody can tamper with it
the server cannot subshell unless setenv ACEDB_SUBSHELL
the server itself (my code) will not edit server.wrm

so i beleive that the server, even ran a s a daemon is secure

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