accessing constructed types in table maker

Danielle et Jean Thierry-Mieg mieg at kaa.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr
Fri Oct 13 04:05:31 EST 1995

Somebody asked how to do that
since it looks like a general question, here is the way

col 1: Locus

col 2: From 1, Map-?Map

col 3: right_of 2 Position-float

col 4: right of 3 Error-float

the secret is to touch the From button, which then
turns into: Right_of,
then you get in the atg button  the proper model

The exact .def file is:

// Spread sheet definition for the ACeDB software 
// Date: 1995-10-13_09:04:16

// %n (%%n in the graphic)  are parameter to be given on the command line in tace
// \%n (%n in the graphic) are substituted by the value of column n at run time
// Line starting with // are ignored, starting with # are comments

Colonne 1 
Width 12 
Class Locus 

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