Help: unable to leave 'Int' fields blank in .ace files

Martin L. Ferguson martinf at lamar.colostate.edu
Thu Oct 26 17:54:37 EST 1995

Greetings ACEDB users,

I am unable to leave 'Int' fields blank in a .ace file being read into
v4.1.  My model looks like this:

      MyTag UNIQUE Int UNIQUE Int Text

In version 3, I could read an .ace file that looked like this:

   SomeClass : "name"
   MyTag "" "" "I only want to store text"

But in version 4, I get the following error:

   internal system error : parse error
   near line 27 in name : not an 
   integer after MyTag

Is there a way to leave an Int field blank?  Thanks.

Martin Ferguson                   martinf at lamar.colostate.edu
Dept. of Entomology               970-491-7989
CO State U.
Ft. Collins, CO  80523

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