displaying images in MacACE solved

David Grant dgrant at iastate.edu
Mon Mar 11 11:25:38 EST 1996


this was originally posted a few days ago but at least one site 
did not get it - I'm reposting in case it was missing at other 
sites also



A while back I posted a message asking how to get MacACE to
display images the way the UNIX versions of ACeDB would. No
one had an answer then but after some poking around I have
found a method that works. 

The biggest problem I had was that although the images
distributed with MacACeDB 4-1b1 are labeled as JPEGs, they
are actually PICTs. Only PICTs will work with MacACE. I
discovered this for myself but later found that the images
distributed with MacAAtDB_3-6 are correctly labeled as

The PICT images must be in a folder named 'pictures' in the
same folder as MacACE, and the database and wspec folders.
This is in contrast to our UNIX ACeDB where the GIF files
were stored in a folder named 'externalFiles'. 

I altered our models.wrm and options.wrm to change 'Image' 
to 'Picture' to match MacACeDB. Later I found that
'Image' is used in MacAAtDB so the exact name is apparently
not important. The 'Picture' line in my options.wrm was
lifted verbatum from the MacACeDB file. The equivalent line in
MacAAtDB is somewhat different though I don't know the
significance of the differences. All of our *.ace files that
used the tag 'Image' were modified to use 'Picture'. I left
in the 'Pick_me_to_call' line although I am fairly certain
it is not needed.

The following shows the before and after versions of my
*.wrm files. 

original SoyBase UNIX version

in options.wrm
_VImage    -H

in displays.wrm
_DDtImage -g TEXT_FULL_SCROLL -t "Image" -width .6 -height
.4 -help Image

in models.wrm
?Image   Probe ?Probe XREF Image
         Locus ?Locus XREF Image
         Pathology ?Pathology XREF Image
         Gene ?Gene XREF Image
         Pick_me_to_call  UNIQUE Text Text
         Last_update UNIQUE Text

?Gene   Name   Gene_class UNIQUE ?Gene_Class XREF Gene
               Correct_name ?Gene XREF Other_name
               Other_name ?Gene XREF Other_name
        Image ?Image XREF Gene
        Last_update UNIQUE Text

Macintosh SoyBase version

in options.wrm
_VImage     -H
_VPicture   -H -D DtImage  (this line added)

in displays.wrm (unchanged from UNIX original)
_DDtImage -g TEXT_FULL_SCROLL -t "Image" -width .6 -height
.4 -help Image

in models.wrm (all instances of 'Image' in the other classes
               also changed to 'Picture')
?Picture   Probe ?Probe XREF Picture
           Locus ?Locus XREF Picture
           Pathology ?Pathology XREF Picture
           Gene ?Gene XREF Picture
           Pick_me_to_call  UNIQUE Text Text
           Last_update UNIQUE Text

?Gene   Name   Gene_class UNIQUE ?Gene_Class XREF Gene
               Correct_name ?Gene XREF Other_name
               Other_name ?Gene XREF Other_name
        Picture ?Picture XREF Gene
        Last_update UNIQUE Text

I make no claims to being a MacACE expert and it is possible 
that some of the changes I made are unneeded. I would be glad 
to hear from anyone who understands ACeDB better than I as 
to what the changes I made are doing and which, if any, 
should be reversed or modified.

David Grant   dgrant at iastate.edu    (515) 294-1205

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