
Michael Otto otto at Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE
Mon Nov 4 05:05:18 EST 1996

Hi outthere,
is there anyone who has an ACEDB (v4.3) to WWW Server running ?

I tried to install all the stuff following the instructions on the 
document pages (http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/acedocs/index.html)
to configure JD Barnett's webace on our machine (SUN SparcStation 20)

The installation process seems to be correct, (CGI ist installed, 
perl5.003 is used as perl interpreter, aceclient and aceserver are 
installed) but I just can ask our database for the model structures.

All the other stuff seems not to work in the moment (webace starts with
a pull-down-(able) menu to choose a database, but pressing continue
pop-up the error message (404 Not Found) with the text:

  the requested URL /cgi-bin/POST was not found on this server


that's the point where my wisdom ends.

(help, please)

  Michael Otto

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