Trouble with installing ACEDB on Linux

Nerogenetics Laboratory neurogen at uia.ua.ac.be
Thu Nov 14 10:34:04 EST 1996


I am new to ACEDB and I tried to install the Linux-binaries on our 
Linux-box by untarring the binaries into a directory 
(/usr/local/acedb_43/). I also downloaded the IXDB to use with the 
software and puut the database in /usr/local/acedb_43/database or should 
it be /usr/local/acedb_43/rawdata. I copied the necessary files that 
came with the IXDB to the wspec directory.
I made symlinks to the data-directories (database, rawdata, PS) on 
another filesystem (/home/.../) , as the /usr system is not meant to be 
used by the users. i set the permissions, so other users could access 
the database.

So far everything went fine. 

I also downloaded an INSTALL-script, but his did not work, so I followed 
the instruction and tried to do everything by hand. but as I noticed 
there are some files missing in the Linux-distribution that are neede by 
the rpgram as described in the manula about how to install ACEDB. also 
as I use "bash" instaed of a C-sheel, i tried "export 
ACEDB="/usr/local/acedb_43" but the program still could not find the 
database ???

What went wrong ???

Peter Van Osta

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