Connection between Acedb4.3 and XV

Dave Matthews matthews at GREENGENES.CIT.CORNELL.EDU
Thu Nov 14 12:35:23 EST 1996

Greetings, Louis-Marie et Pierre!

> I put XV in
> Acedb/bin so that it should be easy for Acedb pick_me_to_call procedure to
> find it. I put the image in the externalFiles directory. but all I get is a
> message in my terminal window saying: Acedb call ...but nothing happens.
>         At this point, I badly need your help:
> Where should i put the binary xv?
> where should i put the pictures (a special directory)?
> What else ?

In ace4_3 there is no magic location for either xv or the image files.
Instead the magic location is the directory wscripts/.  

In your ace files, replace "Pick_me_to_call xv my.gif" with 
"Pick_me_to_call display my.gif".  Then create the following 
script named $ACEDB/wscripts/display:

xv $ACEDB/externalFiles/$1 &

(assuming xv is on the users' PATH; if not you can replace "xv" with the
full pathname.)  Make the script executable, with "chmod a+x".

This script can be altered to specify a different location
for the image files, or to use a different viewer program instead of xv.
So this indirection via wscripts/ is very flexible and powerful.  It's just
too bad that it makes it so hard to guess where the magic is.

best regards,
- Dave

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