biofeedback software

Mr. McGartland gartland at rust.net
Wed Nov 27 13:27:40 EST 1996


	I have just purchased a biofeedback machine a few weeks ago and will have
a professional train me on it over a period of time. However, before any
of this is to become feasible, I need to get some software for it. (The one
that came with it is no good--this is to say that it is not working
properly; in addition, I do not like the software that came with it,
personally) I am wondering if anyone may send me some software (via E-mail)
that is compatible with my machine. I have a J&J DSP--two channels for EEG.
I would be much appreciative to anyone who may help me out with this.

It there are any FTP sites out there on the Internet, I would be grateful
for any reply.


Michael McGartland
gartland at rust.net

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