Leonid LarryTrostyanetsky trostyanetsky.2 at pop.service.ohio-state.edu
Thu Aug 21 18:44:41 EST 1997

RESEARCH ASSISTANT in Bioorganic Chemistry. Undergraduate student needed to
work on molecular modeling project of antitumor agent binding to DNA. Work
involves the use of modeling programs such as MacroModel and Spartan on a
dedicated SiliconGraphics Indigo Impact R10000. A great deal of
independence is possible, and the student will be expected to bring new
capabilities into the research group and to interact with other workers on
this project. Requirements for this position include successful completion
of Organic Chemistry (Chemistry 251/252/253) and experience with UNIX.
Either research credit or work-study is possible. Please contact Professor
Rob Coleman at coleman.184 at osu.edu or 292-4548.


Robert S. Coleman
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
The Ohio State University
100 West 18th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210-1185
(614) 292-4548 (voice)
(614) 292-4647 (fax)
coleman at chemistry.ohio-state.edu

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