qestionnaire data analysis

Dr Mark Watson mwatson at cyllene.uwa.edu.au
Sun Feb 16 13:53:05 EST 1997

Dear netters

I am about to begin data entry/ data analysis (statistical) from a
medical questionnaire.  The questionnaire consists of both open ended
and closed ended questions.  I need to 1) enter the data from the
questionnaires and 2) Perform statistical type analyses of this data.

I have no previous experience in this area but have access to SPSS. I
would like to know if this is the most appropriate package to use or if
there are better / easier ways of doing it.  All suggestions will be

Please reply to my e-mail account


                       Hassan Vally BSc(Hons)
     PhD Student
     Dept of Medicine               Ph  (09) 346 3464
     QEII Medical Centre            Fax (09) 346 2816
     4th Floor, G Block             email hvally at cyllene.uwa.edu.au
     Verdun St
     Nedlands, 6907
     Perth, Western Australia

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