ACEDB 1997 Conference Announcement (ACE97)

Doug Bigwood dbigwood at gig.usda.gov
Sun Feb 16 13:54:49 EST 1997

This is the first announcement regarding the ACEDB 1997 Conference
Not all of the details have been worked out, but here are facts as they
known now.

NOTE: If you are planning on attending please send a message to Doug 
Bigwood <dbigwood at gig.usda.gov> so that we can plan accordingly.  Thank

Location:  Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA

Dates:  July 27 through August 9

Major Sponsors:  USDA Plant Genome Initiative (ARS/NAL) and Cornell

Format:  Similar to ACE95, but the program is not set (Formal
Conference:  2-3
days of presentations, 1-2 days of tutorials - Workshop:  remainder).  A
future announcement will cover the details for submitting papers for
presentation.  Workshop topics will also be solicited.


	Registration Fee:  As low as possible (hopefully not more than $100
for the full 2 weeks and $50 for the formal conference).  Credit cards
will be

	Housing (dormitory):  $18/night single, $15/night double (per person)
- hotels are available close to campus for those wishing more luxurious

	Meals:  A meal plan is available for a campus cafeteria (costs to be
announced), several eating establishments are available close by.  We
looking into having a continental breakfast served in the dormitory each
(this would add a small cost).  There will be a morning and afternoon
break each day.

Registration Deadline:  June 13 (registration *will* be limited, but
the limit will allow us to accommodate all who wish to attend).
Registration forms will be available soon.


	Dave Matthews, Cornell University
	<matthews at greengenes.cit.cornell.edu> 
	Doug Bigwood, Genome Informatics Group,
	University of Maryland <dbigwood at gig.usda.gov>

Future Announcements:

More information will be posted on the bionet.software.acedb newsgroup
as it
becomes available.  The most up-to-date information regarding the
will be available at:  http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/ace97.html

Miscellaneous Information:

	Richard Durbin and Jean Thierry-Mieg will attend.

	A well equipped computer facility close to the dormitory will be
utilized (see http://www.cadif.cornell.edu)

	A barbeque (for conference attendees) and a banquet (for workshop
are planned.

	The weekend of Aug. 2-3 will be free.

	There will be absolutely *no* peacocks present.

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