YOu can also rename objects (main menu- Add-Alias-Rename option)
but overall, if you have more than 3 objects to edit, it is sometimes
easier to : display the whole class by clicking on class name, then
option New Keyset, then option Add-Remove, to create a list of objects
to edit. Dump objects, edit and read back in
Peter Hallowes wrote:
>> Is there any method for editing and annotating the
> ACeDB database from within the acedb application,
> without using Ace files?
Ela Pustulka-Hunt MA MPhil BA hunt_e at
Database Administrator tel. 030 - 8413-1415
Max Planck Institut fuer Molekulare Genetik, Abtl. Lehrach
Ihnestrasse 73, 14195 Berlin, Germany