If you are using GIG software - webace, dbrun, perlace modules ...

Doug Bigwood dbigwood at gig.usda.gov
Mon Mar 31 15:09:19 EST 1997

The Genome Informatics Group is currently preparing for a review.
If you are using any of the software we have developed, or have used it
in the past, please e-mail gig at gig.usda.gov to let us know.
Some of the software we have developed includes WWW-acedb interfaces
(webace and dbrun), perl modules for acedb (including perl client
software), and gifcaptn.

In your e-mail message please include:
1. a list of all of the software products from GIG that you use
2. for the web interface software a list of databases that the interface
is used for and whether or not the databases are available to the public
(include a URL if public)

The information is needed by April 4.  Please e-mail us even though you
are quite sure that we know about you already.  Thank you for your

Doug Bigwood
Manager, Genome Informatics Group

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