Java <-> ACeDB ??

Ewan Birney birney at sanger.ac.uk
Mon Aug 31 04:53:30 EST 1998

Well... it would be very interesting to get a JDBC driver
fitted onto ACeDB but to be honest, I don't think it
will happen in the near future... ;)

ACeDB does not conform to the SQL standard for quires, as its
database concept doesn't fit SQL so well. There is in fact a
Ace queyr langauge (AQL) in development - I believe it is 
in the latest release - whihc does have a passing semblanace to
SQL but I doubt enough to make it possible to write a JDBC driver
to it. 

As for Java<->Acedb, I think Linclon stein is the person working closest
to this sort of thing with a son-of-Jade type approach.

Ewan Birney
<birney at sanger.ac.uk>

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