segfault using Linux ace

Francois Jeanmougin pingouin at chouchen.u-strasbg.fr
Wed Jan 14 04:24:16 EST 1998

In article <34BC4E1D.54E3B9F9 at cornell.edu>,
	Noel Yap <ivy1 at cornell.edu> writes:

> I am using the Debian 2.0 distribution, on an IBM ThinkPad.  I had no
> problems getting Ace 4.3 to run previously, although I have upgraded my
> system since then.  Aside from the crash when initializing a new
> database, however, Ace appears to work fine if used on a database
> created on another system.

	Hey! Debian 2.0 is unstable(1). It is using the new glibc (aka libc6)
which can makes some conflict with programmes based on libc5. 
You have to carefully check any warning when compiling such big
programms, or, for stability, link them to the old libc5 

				Hope this helps,

(1) I mean, the current stable debian is 1.3.x and the 2.0 is a development 
release. You have to really be carefull when using this version.
François Jeanmougin     | groupe de bioinformatique / bioinformatics groupe
tel:(+33) 3 88 65 32 71 | IGBMC BP 163 67404 Illkirch France

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