>I am having problems running Ace 4.5e on my Linux system. When I try to
>re-initialize the database, I get a segmentation fault. gdb tells me
>that this is somewhere in strftime(). I've been told that this due to a
>null pointer being passed to the function. Any help would be greatly
>Immanuel V. Yap
>Curator, RiceBlastDB
>Cornell University
>$Dr. Cheng Luo Tel. 46 90 165474 $
>$Dept. of Plant Physiology Fax 46 90 166676 $
>$University of Ume Email: cheng.luo at plantphys.umu.se $
>$90187 Ume http://www.plantphys.umu.se/~cheng $
>$Sweden $
Dr. Cheng Luo =20
Dept. of Plant Physiology =20
University of Ume=E5 =20
90187 Ume=E5 =20
Sweden =20
Tel. 46 90 786-5474=20
Fax 46 90 786-6676
Email: cheng.luo at plantphys.umu.sehttp://www.plantphys.umu.se/~cheng