despair with webace2

Nicolas Pollet pollet at lovelace.infobiogen.fr
Wed Jan 21 10:00:45 EST 1998

Dear Ace managers,

We installed the Aceclient extension to perl5.x from webace2.
I made a test using the simple perl aceclient pacecl.pl and I got:
pollet at wuhan:/opt/www/axeldb/ace/wrpc <0>pacecl.pl wuhan 56789
ld.so.1: /usr/local/bin/perl: fatal: relocation error: symbol not found:
openServer: referenced in
Do you have any idea about the problem ?
Thank you very much for your help.
BEst wishes,

Dr Nicolas Pollet                          e-mail: n.pollet at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Division of Molecular Embryology
DKFZ                                                   Tel: (+49)-6221-42-4694
INF 280                                                Fax: (+49)-6221-42-4692
D-69120 Heidelberg             http://www.dkfz-heidelberg.de/abt0135/hpeng.htm

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