WinAce Release 4.5.5 (July 15th, 1998) -- 486's

Richard Bruskiewich rbrusk1 at wave.home.com
Sun Jul 19 16:58:14 EST 1998

There is one report of the InstallShield script for WinAce failing on a
486 running Windows '95.  If you encounter this problem, contact me.

The program and libraries, when manually copied from an existing
functioning installation (from a Pentium machine) onto a 486 running NT
4.0, appears to load up and reinitialize a database without crashing
(the robustness of the program during running is not fully tested,
though).  I could be that the current release should run all right on
legacy 486 machines after all, assuming that the installation can be
done, either automatically (with the script) or manually.

> **** SPECIAL NOTE: The latest release is compiled with the Microsoft
> Visual C/C++ Release 5.0, in which Microsoft has indicated that the
> Intel DX486 instruction set is no longer supported in code generation.
> If this is a potential problem for users, please contact me. If there 
> is a sufficient demand for legacy 486 code, I will attempt to "back 
> compile" some version of the software back to this older platform.

Richard Bruskiewich
Dept. of Medical Genetics
University of BC

rbrusk at octogene.medgen.ubc.ca

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