
Lincoln Stein lstein at cshl.org
Thu Jul 23 11:27:06 EST 1998

ace.pl now handles globs, at least for the parse command.  The new
version will be part of AcePerl version 1.40, which should be
available for download tomorrow (Friday).


 (~acedb/ricegenes/rawdata) 187% ace.pl -path ~acedb/ricegenes
 aceperl> parse *.ace
 parse allele.ace
 // Parsing file allele.ace
 // 1076 objects read with 0 errors
 // 1076 Active Objects 
 parse author.ace
 // Parsing file author.ace
 // 2664 objects read with 0 errors
 // 2664 Active Objects 
 parse chr_band.ace
 // Parsing file chr_band.ace
 // 156 objects read with 0 errors
 // 156 Active Objects 
 parse colleague.ace
 // Parsing file colleague.ace
 // 595 objects read with 0 errors
 // 595 Active Objects 
 parse germplasm.ace

Richard Durbin writes:
 > >From Dave Matthews <matthews at greengenes.cit.cornell.edu>
 > > I'd like to be able to tell tace to 'parse' a *-wildcarded list of files.
 > > Ideally using regular unix globbing syntax to specify the file list.  But
 > > for now I'd be happy just to get "*" (or anything) to parse all files in
 > > the current directory.  I'm hoping in particular for a solution that works
 > > in WinAce.
 > > - Dave
 > We do this sort of thing in a perl script that calls tace.  I would
 > imagine the nice way to do it would be to use Lincoln Stein's
 > excellent AcePerl.pm, which contains a very nice ace.pl that is
 > essentially a readline-enabled version of tace and aceclient.  That
 > gives command completion, command-line editing, command history, and
 > so forth.  I don't know whether it will glob file names, or whether
 > some other AcePerl derived thing is better for that.  I'll copy
 > Lincoln in the hope he has a quick solution.
 > Richard
Lincoln D. Stein                           Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
lstein at cshl.org			                  Cold Spring Harbor, NY

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