observations on your website

dustin9999 at MSN.COM dustin9999 at MSN.COM
Tue Oct 13 23:13:55 EST 1998


I was surfing the Internet and happened 
to come across your website.

It's very clear you've put a lot of
time & effort into it.

Unfortunately, your site is very slow
to load.

It is likely that you are losing a 
great deal of Internet traffic--and
business--because of this problem. 

If you make users wait to see your 
content they will leave your website
before it ever completely appears.

Major studies have found that Web pages
over 55K in size--usually this large
because of poorly-optimized images--are
big enough on average modems to take
over ten seconds to load, which is
the normal "patience threshold" for
the average user.  

I own a website "tune-up" firm that 
specializes in optimizing images--and 
Websites--for lighting-fast downloading 
times.  In addition, the images on your
website will look better to your 

Many of our clients have turned their 
struggling websites into thriving 
businesses with our help.

If you think it makes sense for us to 
talk, please call my firm at (410) 347-1433.

We'd love to take a look at your site 
and help.

All the best.

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