The Virtual Library: Martial Arts

Scott.Sutton.Sysop at MICROBIOL.ORG Scott.Sutton.Sysop at MICROBIOL.ORG
Wed Oct 21 17:12:26 EST 1998

We have developed, and are launching, The Virtual Library: Martial
Arts (http://microbiol.org/vl.martial.arts).  This is a unique
resource for, and service to, the martial arts community.  It is our
intention to provide an accurate index to the stable web sites on with
the martial arts.  At launch, this index contains over 2,600 links.

We would like your help in improving it.  If you have a chance, please
visit the site and look around some.  While you are there certainly
let us know of any good sites that we missed.

In return, we will provide the links in an organized manner, and will
confirm the accuracy of the links at least 4 times a year.  This point
is important as it is the nature of the Internet that websites die
through neglect of the webmaster or failure of the hosting domain.  We
recently ran a spider on martial arts link pages and stopped it when
it reached about 35,000 links.  Over 10,000 of those 35,000 links were
dead.  This will not happen in the VL Martial Arts collection.

We also have the most comprehensive listing of Email lists relating to
martial arts available.  Please let us know if we missed any.

Mistakes are unavoidable in a project of this scope.  If you have
received this Email in error, please accept my apologies.  Be assured
that you will not receive any further Email on this subject.

Again, thank you for your help.

Scott Sutton
Curator, The Virtual Library: Martial Arts

Scott Sutton
sysop at microbiol.org
Curator, Virtual Library: Martial Arts

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