acedb curator's course

Sylvia Martinelli sylvia at sanger.ac.uk
Tue Oct 27 05:46:14 EST 1998

Dear All
I am trying to gage possible interest in a course
to be held soon at Hinxton, near Cambridge.

It is a 3 day course for curators and administrators
of acedb databases, costing 50 pounds per day.

Would anyone be interested in participating in a 
3 day acedb course on one or other of the following dates :
18 - 20 November
9 - 11 December
6 - 8 January.

Comments please to sylvia at sanger.ac.uk.


Dr.Sylvia D. Martinelli		phone 01223 494971
(C. elegans database)		fax   01223 494919 
Sanger Centre
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
Cambridge CB10 1SA
URL http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Users/sylvia/

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