extracting map data for a predicted gene

Paul Muhlrad pmuhlrad at u.arizona.edu
Mon Apr 19 09:46:42 EST 1999

I have a text database of a large set of C. elegans predicted genes
(denoted by cosmid#.ORF#).  I would like to add fields to my database
that include the chromosome number, physical map position, and
approximate genetic map position (and possibly other data in the future)
for each gene.  Obviously, AceDB has all this information, but how can I
extract it for a large number of genes, for instance through a Perl
script.  I'm a novice at AceDB and even more of a novice at Perl, but
I'd be anxious to put a script together if someone could help get me
started.  Thank you.

Paul Muhlrad
University of Arizona, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology
415 Life Sciences South
1007 E. Lowell Street, Tucson, AZ  85721
(520) 621-9135 phone  |  (520) 621-3709 fax


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