metabolic pathways Dear ACEDB users, Dear ACEDB users,

Takako TAKAI taka at NIHS.GO.JP
Fri Jul 23 18:43:32 EST 1999


Thank you very much, Dave.  And Staffan's documentation is at 
http://www.biochem.kth.se/AboutDB/metabolic_pathways.html ,
which is a really good introduction. 


> I can't find Staffan's documentation either, but there's some good 
> documentation on metabolic pathways by Takako Igarashi and Sylvia 
> Martinelli at http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/ace97/proceedings.html
> - Dave

Takako Takai-Igarashi, Ph. D.
Division of Chem-Bio Informatics
National Institute of Health Sciences
1-18-1, Kamiyoga, Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan 158-8501
TEL +81-3-3700-1141 ext.296
FAX +81-3-5717-7180
email taka at nihs.go.jp

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