ace and java

Hamish McWilliam Hamish.McWilliam at bbsrc.ac.uk
Wed Jul 28 05:13:15 EST 1999

Another possibilty is to use CITA and a Java client (e.g. GFace).
See http://jiio10.jic.bbsrc.ac.uk/development/CITA/

CITA and GFace now include AQL support.

Have fun. H.

zgudmunt at my-deja.com wrote:
>    Thank you very much, this does clarify quite a few points. It seems
> that AcePerl is the way to go for networking, at least over the Web, but
> Java could be used on a controlled intranet (my situation).
>    Interesting to know that AcePerl was actually derived from Java. It
> definately was confusing to see webace here and acebrowser there, but
> you have cleared that up now, thanks again.
>                             Gudmundur
Hamish P. McWilliam
Brassica and Oilseeds Research
John Innes Center
Norwich Research Park
Colney Lane

Tel: 01603-452571 x2553
God invented Brownian motion to stir his coffee.

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