Geneticist/Molecular Biologist (GrainGenes Database Project)

Gerard R Lazo lazo at PW.USDA.GOV
Mon Mar 1 13:46:44 EST 1999

Geneticist/Molecular Biologist:
Interdisciplinary curator position with the GrainGenes database project.

This is a permanent, GS-11/12 ($42,673-66,488/yr), Category 4 position at 
the ARS, Western Regional Research Center, Albany, CA.  The position is a 
member of a project on the bioinformatics and genomic research of several 
of the small grains: wheat, barley, rye, triticale, and oats.  
Duties include providing genetic/molecular biological expertise to the 
database project, evaluating data, utility and database structure,
collaborating in data formatting, and literature searches.  The curator 
oversees data structuring and compilation from individual laboratories, 
institutions, electronic sources, and printed literature.  The curator 
provides for demonstrations and training in use of the databases for project 
staff, off-site curators, and users.  Approximately 85% of time is devoted 
to database development and maintenance, and 15% to a research project 
related to small grains genomics. Candidates must possess a PhD in genetics, 
molecular biology, or related biological disciplines appropriate to the 
position and providing relevant prior experience to participate in a 
computer and laboratory project on grains genomics.  Experience may not 
necessarily need to be with small grains, but the candidate must provide 
the background necessary for the position.  Selective Placement Factors 
include knowledge of biotechnological methods in genetics and molecular 
biology, or plant breeding research, and a basic knowledge of computer use 
in science. Candidates must have U.S. citizenship.  The position 
announcement number is ARS-X9W-9166.  Submit applications to:

		USDA, Agricultural Research Service
		Human Resources Division
		ATTN: Western Services Branch
		5601 Sunnyside Avenue
		Beltsville, MD 20705-5106
		FAX: 301-504-1535

Closing date: April 1, 1999
Application information for the position can also be obtained 
through the USDA web site:


For information on the position, contact:

		Olin D. Anderson (project coordinator)
		800 Buchanan Street
		Tel: 510-559-5773
		FAX: 510-559-5777
		oandersn at pw.usda.gov
Gerard R Lazo `·.¸·`·¯`·.¸·`·¯`· USDA ARS Western Regional Research Center
lazo at pw.usda.gov `·.¸`·._`·.¸`·. 800 Buchanan St, Albany, California 94710

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